Defamation - определение. Что такое Defamation
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Что (кто) такое Defamation - определение

Libel and slander; Slander; Calumny; Defamation of character; Defame; Slanderous; Defamatory; Absolute privilege; Libel; Defaming; Libel per se; Trade libel; Conspiracy to libel; Political libel; Libelous; Slander and libel; Libeler; Libeller; German defamation law; Defamation law in the United Kingdom; Defames; Defamed; Slanders; Slandered; Slandering; Libels; Vilification; Vilify; Defamations; Libellous; Slanderer; Slanderers; Slander & libel; Besmirch; Calumniator; Calumniators; Defamation per se; Libel law; Defamation law in Scotland; Famacide; Famosus libelus; Famosus; Traducement; Libel suit; Character defamation; Libel per Quod; Criminal defamation; Anti-defamation; Rex v. Orme and Nutt (1700); King v. Osborne (1732); Defamation lawsuit; Group defamation; Defamation laws; Calumnies; Traduce; Chinese defamation law; Indian defamation law; Defamation in Scots law; Veritas (Scots law); Defamation in Scotland; Libel laws; Libel lawsuit
  • Prince of Sagan]]'s assault on Barboux.
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Defamation is the damaging of someone's good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about them. (FORMAL)
He sued for defamation.
Slander, calumny, detraction, obloquy, aspersion, abuse, backbiting, scandal, false accusation.
n. the act of making untrue statements about another which damages his/her reputation. If the defamatory statement is printed or broadcast over the media it is libel and, if only oral, it is slander. Public figures, including officeholders and candidates, have to show that the defamation was made with malicious intent and was not just fair comment. Damages for slander may be limited to actual (special) damages unless there is malice. Some statements such as an accusation of having committed a crime, having a feared disease or being unable to perform one's occupation are called libel per se or slander per se and can more easily lead to large money awards in court and even punitive damage recovery by the person harmed. Most states provide for a demand for a printed retraction of defamation and only allow a lawsuit if there is no such admission of error. See also: fair comment libel public figure slander
·noun Act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication, written or oral; the wrong of maliciously injuring the good name of another; slander; detraction; calumny; aspersion.
Defamation (also known as calumny, vilification, libel, slander, or traducement) is the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation and usually constitutes a tort or crime. In several countries, a true statement can also be considered defamation.
·adj Containing defamation; injurious to reputation; calumnious; slanderous; as, defamatory words; defamatory writings.
(defames, defaming, defamed)
If someone defames another person or thing, they say bad and untrue things about them. (FORMAL)
Sgt Norwood complained that the article defamed him.
·noun Dishonor.
II. Defame ·vt To render infamous; to bring into disrepute.
III. Defame ·vt To Charge; to Accuse.
IV. Defame ·vt To harm or destroy the good fame or reputation of; to Disgrace; especially, to speak evil of maliciously; to dishonor by slanderous reports; to Calumniate; to Asperse.
Speech or writing that is defamatory is likely to damage someone's good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about them. (FORMAL)
The article was highly defamatory.
· & ·vb.n. of Defame.



Defamation is the act of communicating to a third party false statements about a person, place, or thing that results in damage to its reputation. It can be spoken (slander) or written (libel). It constitutes a tort or a crime. The legal definition of defamation and related acts as well as the ways they are dealt with can vary greatly between countries and jurisdictions (what exactly they must consist of, whether they constitute crimes or not, and to what extent proving the alleged facts is a valid defence).

Defamation laws can encompass a variety of acts:

  • Insult against a legal person in general
  • Defamation against a legal person in general
  • Acts against public officials
  • Acts against state institutions (e.g., government, ministries, government agencies, armed forces)
  • Acts against state symbols
  • Acts against the state itself
  • Acts against religions (e.g., blasphemy, discrimination)
  • Acts against the judiciary or legislature (e.g., contempt of court, censure)